Mary Gates Endowment For Students

Kensho Gendzwill

Mary Gates Research Scholar, Fall 2023

Research Project: An Improved Landing Pad Design for Stable Expression of Protein Variant Libraries across Disease Models

Research Project Description: Developing a gene editing platform, called Landing Pads, that integrates large libraries of gene variants in a massively parallel and multiplexed manner. Focus on conferring the Landing Pads with resistance to transcription silencing.

What advice do you have for future Mary Gates Research applicants?

Start your essay early, don’t procrastinate. It’s kind of embarrassing to ask your mentor/PI for feedback when there are only days left until the due date. Same with the presentation you prepare for the symposium. Also importantly, don’t be discouraged if you get rejected and keep applying! MGS does a great job of trying to serve every student possible, and the more chances you give them to look at your work and help you, the better.

What have you learned throughout your research project? 

Through my project at the Fowler lab, I’ve learned a myriad of hard and soft skills that are becoming the foundation for my academic and professional success. By reading papers, conducting wet lab experiments, preparing presentations and conferencing with my mentors, little by little I am learning how to become a scientist. The MGE has kept me motivated and focused on my work, which I am grateful for.