Mary Gates Endowment For Students


Mary Gates Scholar Reviewers

Interested in becoming a MGE Reviewer? Fill out this form!

This page is intended for faculty, staff and community partners who participate in one or more of our selection committees. To connect to our online review system, check your email for the appropriate link; the link changes quarterly so you will need a new link each time you review.

Connect to online system and view applications

Please contact Mary Gates Endowment staff if you need the appropriate link sent to you again; we are available at or 206-616-3925.

Resources to Avoid Implicit Bias during Application Review

The Mary Gates Endowment for Students strives to be inclusive of all UW undergraduate students. To help us ensure an equitable and fair process, we ask reviewers to familiarize themselves with resources designed to minimize the impact of implicit bias in the evaluation process. There are many available online, but we have found the following to be helpful starting points:

You can find more resources on Mitigating Bias in Scholarship Review Processes on the website of the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards.