Mary Gates Endowment For Students

Katelyn Lyn-Kew

Mary Gates Research Scholar, 2022-2023


Research Project: The Effect of RORgt+ Regulatory T Cells on Dendritic Cell Migration Within the Intestinal Immune System

Research Project Description: CI worked to learn more about the complex relationships between immune cells within the intestinal immune system. I looked at how the absence of a regulatory T cell (Treg) subset affected the subpopulations of dendritic cells (DCs). I developed a new panel of antibodies to use in flow cytometry in order to characterize those DC groups in the intestines and related organs. With this data, I compared the DCs in our RORgt+ Treg and cre-control populations of mice.


What have you learned throughout your research project and experience?

I have had to learn quite a bit about resiliency throughout this research project. There was a lot to do and not everything went according to plan, but that is how science goes sometimes!

What advice do you have for future Mary Gates Research applicants?

Make sure you make the most out of your research experience. Advocate for yourself and your education and don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance. There are plenty of people around you who believe in you and your work, don’t forget to rely on them!