Sid Nair
Mary Gates Research Scholar, 2022-2023
Research Project: Comparative Transcriptomic Assessment of Placental Cell Models
Research Project Description: This project serves to characterize different placental cell lines by creating a unified dataset from publicly available data. Using this data, we compare gene expression to understand the accordance between placental cell lines and placental tissue samples.
What advice do you have for future Mary Gates Research applicants?
I would say to definitely start planning out an outline for our essay as soon as possible. I think another thing that I have learned is to emphasize your role in the project and the specific things you have recently done as part of it. I also would try to see if there is anything tangible that you can use to show your current progress in the project.
What have you learned throughout your research project?
Throughout this project one of the biggest things I have learned is how to program and conduct statistical analysis. Along with that I have learned how to utilize scientific literature to aid my own understanding which has helped me in this project. Finally I have learned how much collaboration is needed in order to complete this project. I am very thankful to Dr.Alison Paquette and Dr. Samantha Lapehn for the help I have received in searching for new publicly available datasets as well as helping in the overall data analysis.