- Day/Time: Mondays, 530-650PM
- Location: MGH
- Add Code Required: Contact: Adiam Tesfay–
This course will dive into the pedagogy and best practices of tutoring and teaching. We will discuss and practice strategies for effective teaching and tutoring. We will read current research and reflect on our own experiences to enhance our current or future roles.
In the seminar, tutors would be required to do short readings every week and come in ready to respond to questions and discuss the issues raised by the articles with their peers. It would also give tutors a space to reflect on their weekly experiences tutoring and work out difficult situations with their colleagues, and the skills they learned within the seminar would bolster resumes and CVs for those seeking to enter graduate school or education as a profession. Each week we would address a new topic in relation to pedagogy, tutoring practices, and issues at the university.
The course will be run by ASP staff and facilitated by the lead tutors at CLUE. It has been designed for new CLUE tutors and open to any interested tutors or students across campus.