Race and Equity in Elementary Education (EDUC 401B)

Race and Equity in Elementary Education (EDUC 401B)

  • SLN:  14013
  • Day: Tuesdays from 3:30pm-6:20pm (Includes travel time to Leschi Elementary)
  • Location: Leschi Elementary School
  • Start Date:  1/10
  • This seminar will meet at Leschi Elementary both Winter and Spring Quarters.

Instructors: Danielle and Gonzalo Guzman

In the current age of national racial justice movements, race and equity in public schools has become part of national discourse. However, this said discourse has focused almost entirely on higher education and to a lesser extent secondary schools. This is curious, as the literature is clear that racial justice education is most effective and necessary before students reach secondary and higher education. The fluidity of racial identity development, racial logic/understanding, and family-teacher engagement distinct to the PreK-5 setting makes this a prime age group to focus efforts.  In other words, if we are going to change the relationship between schools, racism, and race formation, we need to focus on the first school many students attend: elementary school. This two-quarter seminar attends to do just that.

In a two-quarter sequence course, we will center elementary education in racial equity and justice work. Housed at Leschi Elementary School, in the Central District, the first seminar will focus on developing racial literacy and understanding exactly how race and racism function in elementary school. The second seminar will focus on anti-racism education including current examples in the Seattle School District. This course will be a mixed classroom where undergraduates interested in early childhood and/or elementary education will tutor with, learn side-by-side, and collaborate with current staff at Leschi Elementary. UW students and Leschi Staff will work towards building anti-racist education together.

Leschi Staff who participate in this program will be awarded clock hours. For UW students enrolled for credit, UW cars will be provided for transportation.  All participants must be able to commit to both quarters.

For undergraduate students, please fill out this survey when you enroll: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/gonzog/315858

For this seminar, the number of credits a student receives depends on the number of tutoring hours completed in addition to seminar attendance. Credit and tutoring requirements are as follows:

  • 1 credit: 2.5 hours tutoring/week (at least 20 hours tutoring/quarter)
  • 2 credits: 2.5 hours tutoring/week (at least 20 hours tutoring/quarter)
  • 3 credits: 5 hours tutoring/week (at least 40 hours tutoring/quarter)
  • 4 credits: 7.5 hours tutoring/week (at least 60 hours tutoring/quarter)
  • 5 credits: 10 hours tutoring/week (at least 80 hours tutoring/quarter)