Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards

Register to participate

Click here to register for GFP

Register anytime and we will follow-up with information and access to the GFP website. Please note that access to the GFP site is not automated. Thank you for your patience if it takes a day to get your access set up. We will email you confirmation.

What are Global Fellowships?

Funded, globally-focused opportunities to:

  1. Do independent research or creative projects
  2. Pursue a graduate studies
  3. Teach English abroad
  4. Gain experience as an intern
  5. Build global experience as an undergrad

What is Global Fellowships Prep?

Advising and support as you develop your applications
Fellowship advisers at all 3 UW campuses support UW students and alumni in applying for these opportunities. As a GFP member, you’ll stay in the loop with tips, timely emails and advice for your application.
Workshops, Conversations, Panels and Feedback Events
Throughout spring and summer we’ll host a wide variety of events designed to give you insights and help you build your candidacy. Making the most of these opportunities and how much you engage is up to you.
Community and Connection
You’re not alone. Join other students and alums who are exploring and crafting their applications for fellowships that support research, graduate school, community based project, Teaching English, and more. We have also included some U.S. based opportunities if you’re most interested in staying in the U.S.
Get and stay organized to avoid getting overwhelmed or procrastinating. We’ve developed benchmarks to help you get these apps done early in the fall and to help you minimize stress.

Who is it for?

  • UW undergraduate, graduate and professional students and alumni from all 3 UW campuses.
  • Juniors, seniors, grad students and alums ready to plan for a 2025-26 research, study, teaching or interning experience.
  • First and second year student who want to learn about programs targeting early undergrads

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