Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards

Which scholarships are included in the Global Fellowships Prep?

In GFP, we introduce you to scholarships that will fund you to study, research, or have a teaching/interning experience abroad. Check out the sample list below and sign up (starting in spring quarter) for access to our website for even more opportunities!

Flexible programs offering a variety of experiences

Fulbright US Student Program

Research, creative arts, graduate study or English Teaching Assistantships abroad.

Campus Deadline: August 28

German Academic Exchange Service

Graduate study, research, & research internships in Germany. Also called DAAD.

Deadlines vary.

Luce Scholars Program

Professional experience in Asia for people under age 30 with little or no experience in Asia.

Deadline: October

Programs funding graduate study and research in the UK

Churchill Scholarships

Graduate study and research in STEM fields at Cambridge University.

Campus Deadline: June 

Gates Cambridge Scholarships

Graduate study and research in any field at Cambridge University.

Deadline: October 

Rhodes Scholarships

Graduate study and research in any field at Oxford University for students globally.

Campus Deadline: June 

Marshall Scholarships

Graduate study and research in any field at any university in the UK.

Campus Deadline: June 

NIH Oxford-Cambridge

Conduct biomedical research with NIH and either University of Oxford OR Cambridge.

Deadline: December

Chevening Scholarships

UK master’s degree funding or fellowships for mid-career leaders from around the world.

Deadline: varies 

Programs funding graduate study and research in the US

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Graduate school funding in most STEM and Social Science fields at any US university.

Deadline: October 

Knight-Hennessy Scholars at Stanford

Funding for graduate study and global leadership development in any field at Stanford.

Deadline: October 

Quad Fellowships

Funding for graduate study in STEM fields at any university in the US. Open to students from Australia, India, Japan, or the US; or any of the 10 ASEAN countries.

Deadline: April 

Grad school for those who want to work in the US Foreign Service

Donald M. Payne Fellowship

Graduate study leading to a career with USAID Foreign Service.

Deadline: October

Pickering Fellowship

Graduate study leading to a career with US State Dept. Foreign Service.

Deadline: September

Rangel Graduate Fellowship

Graduate study leading to a career with US State Dept. Foreign Service.

Deadline: October

Programs funding graduate study in China & Japan

Schwarzman Scholars Program

Master of Global Affairs at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Deadlines: May & September

Yenching Academy: Peking University

Interdisciplinary master’s program in China Studies at Peking University, Beijing, China

Campus Deadline: November

MEXT Scholarships in Japan

Graduate studies and research in Japan for students from all over the world.

US Deadlines: June